Prisms for Track Monitoring
RSMP380M and RSMP480M
Especial for monitoring of tracks and steel constructions we offer a magnetic version of our mini prisms RSMP380 and RSMP480.
• Fastest fixing ever - even on wet surfaces
• No need to clean or dry the surface
• Prism or magnet can be replaced if necessary
Tested in all weather condition over 6 months!
Caution: At temperatures above 80 degrees Celsius (176° F), the magnets may lose their adhesive force.
If such high temperatures are possible on the surface in your area of application, we recommend adding a little glue or generally gluing the prisms. For this reason, we have developed our RSFP-X80 adapter for mounting the prisms using adhesive (e.g. RSMF-FIX). Even with this installation method, the prisms can be used multiple times.
Offset: -16,9 (minus 16,9) [Leica +17,5]
Prism RSMP380M at a track in Germany and at a track in USA
Dimensioning file RSMP380M.pdf and RSMP480M.pdf for download.
Here you find a dimensioning file for each RS product